Bally Alley Astrocast  

Bally Alley Astrocast

Author: Adam Trionfo

The Bally Alley Astrocast podcast covers the Bally Astrocade videogame console released in 1978. This system was also called the Bally Arcade, Bally Professional Arcade, and Bally Home Library Computer. We cover Bally community news, review games released on cartridge and cassette tape, and delve articles from classic computer and game newsletters and magazines (like the Arcadian and Cursor).
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Language: en

Genres: Leisure, Video Games

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Bally Alley Astrocast: Episode 19 - Astrocade Newbie with Brian (Ballistik Coffee Boy)
Episode 19
Sunday, 5 March, 2023

In episode #19 of the Bally Alley Astrocast podcast, the host, Adam, talks with his friend Brian, the host of the "Ballistik Coffee Boy" YouTube channel. Brian has no previous experience with the Bally Arcade console and he explores it with Adam for the first time and talks about what he thinks of it. Since Brian lives locally to Adam, they both look at the console together in person. Recurring LinksĀ - Bally Arcade / Astrocade Website What's New at Bally Alley Blog Orphaned Computers & Game Systems Website Bally Alley Discussion Group Bally Arcade / Astrocade Atari Age Sub-forum The Classic Gaming Bookcast - By Chris Federico Show Notes We have limited show notes again for this episode. If there's something in the podcast that you want to hear more about and a search on the Internet won't turn it up for you, then contact the Astrocade discussion group on Ballistik Coffee Boy Videos - This is a Brian's YouTube channel where he mostly covers the Atari consoles and computers. Feedback There is some feedback covered in this episode, and we would love to hear your thoughts and comments about this (or any) Astrocast episode or about your history with the Bally Arcade/Astrocade. The best way to contact us is via email at BallyAlley or through via the Bally Alley Discussion Group at Next Episode's Coverage I hope to talk about Bally BASIC and AstroBASIC with Brian in episode #20. This won't be an in-depth look at the BASIC programming language. Rather I will introduce Brian to BASIC on the Astrocade and show him some games and video art that are written for it.


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