Politigeek's Rants  

Politigeek's Rants

Author: As-Tech Multimedia Network

Rant's that focus on politics and policies with in the United States.
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Rant #2: Joe Biden and Democratic Policies
Monday, 24 August, 2020

This years DNC has been panned as “cringy” by many who are not diehard democrats. Aside from the mostly virtual setting with speakers giving their speeches from a distance, the production quality was…lacking to say the least. Cra5hD0wn_3_2_1 admits, he didn’t watch much of it, but the “highlights” he has seen were bad. Joe Biden was officially nominated as the candidate for president, and Kamala Harris announced as his running mate, which both accepted. He does not go into the list of speakers as it was a who’s who of the establishment democrats from the political and celebrity arenas. The most common platform was anti-Trump rhetoric. Not wanting to lean on other’s biases, I have looked up some stories about the democrats and their policy positions as a party and Biden’s personal positions on the issues.


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