Lemonade Legend Podcast  

Lemonade Legend Podcast

Author: Michelle Faust

Lemonade Legend specializes in amplifying the voice of people who have experienced breakthrough moments in their life. Turning lemons to lemonade. I do this through content writing, podcasts, and promotional books. My podcast features individuals who have a powerful vision that is stronger than their fear. I provide exposure to brand, their strength and their courage. Join us at The Lemonade Stand, Where the Cool People Meet!
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Marketing

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Hope Follows With Julie Kenzler
Thursday, 16 November, 2023

In life's darkest winters, remember that hope always follows. In this episode, we're joined by Julie Kenzler, a bestselling author, international broadcaster, and passionate advocate for finding hope in the face of life's most challenging moments. As she shares her journey, Julie reveals how she turned her personal tragedy into a powerful message of hope. She's the author of "Hope Follows," a book that explores the transformative power of hope in the wake of devastating loss, and she spreads this message through her broadcasts and media engagements. Through her own and her podcast guests’ experiences, Julie's message is clear: hope is not just a distant light at the end of the tunnel, but a guiding force in even the darkest of times. Tune in and discover that there is always a reason to believe in a brighter tomorrow.


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