She Seeks Goodness  

She Seeks Goodness

Author: She Seeks Goodness

Welcome to She Seeks Goodness! Our hope is for young women to encounter Gods love and goodness in a real way that will give them deep-rooted confidence and joy to live out their God-given purpose. We provide podcasts to equip young women to live life to the full. Check out our She is Influence and Elephant in the Room podcast series!
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Language: en-nz

Genres: Business, Non-Profit

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Reading Scripture | Ft Esther and Beks
Sunday, 10 September, 2023

Join Esther and Beks as they chat about how to go about reading the bible and their learnings from the journey! We hope this episode encourages you to be a committed life long reader of God’s word and let scripture speak to both your heart and mind!


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