Fix My Insurance Agency  

Fix My Insurance Agency

Author: Billy R. Williams, Ph.D.

Dr. Billy R Williams is one of the world's foremost authorities on building and growing an insurance agency. He is the founder and president of Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring Services, America's best insurance agent and Small Business coaching and mentoring company, and CEO of the Williams Family Investment Group; a group of more than 150 partner agencies that produce over a billion dollars a year in new and renewal insurance premiums. Inspire a Nation Business Mentoring works with many of the top insurance agents/agencies in North America and some of the Worlds largest insurance carriers and companies. This insider access gives him and his team the ability to implement, monitor, and track which conversations, processes, and tools are working and which ones are a waste of time, money, and effort.
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Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing

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Insurance Rate Increase Conversation Master Class
Episode 30
Monday, 8 July, 2024

The insurance industry is going through a period of rapid and often extreme rate increases. Many insurance agents and agencies avoid the dreaded rate increase conversation which leaves insurance customers unaware and often blind-sided by the new rates. While an agent doesn't set the rates that a carrier charges a customer, we do have things that we as agents can do to influence or modify a customer's insurance rates. In this training, I will share the 5 things an agent can do to influence a customer's rates and the 7 primary reasons insurance rates are exploding. This is a "must attend" session for any insurance professional dealing with insurance customer rate increases.


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