Life is Better With a PackAuthor: Pack Life LA
Join host Samantha Johnson (Mom, Pack Life LA head trainer and owner) & co-host Kami Mathisen (Mom, Coach and Pack Life LAs sister) AND get all your dog training training advice as they talk life and how it is all connected and just so much better to navigate with a pack. Language: en Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 5: Q&A Group Dog Training Virtual Session- Part 1
Episode 5
Monday, 7 November, 2022
Episode 5: is the first of a two part series of Samantha answers dog training questions during one of her bi-weekly member group zooms. These member zooms are intended for other dog trainer and owners to get training tips and advice from Samantha while learning from others questions as well.