Ethics and Nonprofits Podcast Series  

Ethics and Nonprofits Podcast Series

Nonprofits and their Ethical Dilemmas In Hard Times

Author: Ethics with an Edge is a nonprofit located in Ann Arbor (A2), Michigan. We are very interested in talking with people in our community about their views and ideas on the big and small ethical questions in their working lives and in their community now and in the future. In this series, talks with several local nonprofit leaders representing health care, food security and foundations, about a range of current ethical concerns, from competition among themselves for funding, philosophical and power-based turf battles, and the debate over turning down donors whose actions do not fit with a nonprofit's mission. In the last conversation of this series, we talk about the ethics of gift-giving during a time when needs are exploding and nonprofits, whose endowments and investments have been falling, are trying to keep up with demand. The main question we are seeking an answer to is: If we have to choose, should we give to people or pets?
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Government, Non-Profit

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A Traditional Nonprofit Adds New Traditions: The Kiwanis Club at the Flim Flam
Monday, 2 August, 2010

Social entrepreneurs. Microfinanciers. Practical Idealists. These are just of the few of the titles given to the new nonprofiteers and venture social capitalists starting up and charging up the world to make it a better place over the last two decades or so. 


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