Weapon of Choice  

Weapon of Choice

The Gaming Podcast

Author: Edd Joseph

Welcome to Weapon of Choice - the Gaming Podcast. Headed up by surreal lunatic Edd Joseph, and various partners of doom, we tend to blurt out whatever comes into our warped and damaged minds about games, a few films and a lot of random non-sense. Edds often controversial insights will bring love juices flowing to your brains pleasure cups while he and his cohort of guests bring you news, discussion, and of course, the weekly faecal feature: Turd of the Week. We also have the fabled competition, with fabulously tantalising prizes which may or may not be worth winning, generally not but who knows, why not have a go anyway? And finally there will be many audible slaps in the face with the email address, twitter username and probably the website address to encourage you to get in touch with us about absolutely anything. Podcast related would be good, but even if it isnt send it in and well feel popular and it gives us a semi. So get listening, feedbacking and enjoy our brain turds. All in Weapon of Choice, the Gaming Podcast.
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Leisure, Video Games

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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