Social Media Safety and Ethics  

Social Media Safety and Ethics

Author: Urvesh Thakkar

Anti Cyber Crime Society is a Non-Profit-Organization for spreading awareness among the society. With an increase in the digital era, there is also a rapid increase in the number of cybercrimes and frauds. Our aim is to develop a sense of awareness and alertness among the society so that people can safeguard themselves. Apart from cybercrimes, these days the upcoming youth is also severely addicted to mobile phones and gadgets, our mission is to eradicate cyber-psychological ill-effects among the young youth. We always believe that knowledge must be used for the betterment of society.
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Genres: Business, Non-Profit

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Social Media & Safety - Hindi Podcast | SunoJagrukt by Anti Cyber Crime Society
Episode 1
Thursday, 3 December, 2020

This podcast is in Hindi language and is a part of Suno Jagrukt Podcast Series by Anti Cyber Crime Society. It focuses on Social Media Safety tips and ethics. Thanks to Pooja Tayal for hosting up this amazing awareness insights for us. Anti Cyber Crime Society is a Non-Profit-Organization for spreading awareness among the society. With an increase in the digital era, there is also a rapid increase in the number of cybercrimes and frauds. Our aim is to develop a sense of awareness and alertness among the society so that people can safeguard themselves. Apart from cybercrimes, these days the upcoming youth is also severely addicted to mobile phones and gadgets, our mission is to eradicate cyber-psychological ill-effects among the young youth. We always believe that knowledge must be used for the betterment of society. With this aim, we move ahead to make cyberspace more secure. 


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