Boom! from The Economist  

Boom! from The Economist

How a generation blew up American politics

Author: The Economist

Why are two old, unpopular men the main candidates for the worlds most demanding job? Its the question John Prideaux, The Economists US editor, gets asked the most. And the answer lies in the peculiar politics of the baby boomers. Since 1992, every American president bar one has been a white man born in the 1940s. That run looks likely to span 36 years - not far off the age of the median American. This cohort was born with aces in their pockets. Their parents defeated Nazism and won the cold war. They hit the jobs market at an unmatched period of wealth creation. They have benefitted from giant leaps in technology, and in racial and gender equality. And yet, their last act in politics sees the two main parties accusing each other of wrecking American democracy. As the boomers near the end of their political journey, John Prideaux, The Economists US editor, sets out to make sense of their inheritance and their legacy. Launching July 2024. To listen to the full series, subscribe to Economist Podcasts. If youre already a subscriber to The Economist, you have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts, please visit our FAQs page or watch our video explaining how to link your account.
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1. 1968 - Born to be wild
Episode 1
Thursday, 4 July, 2024

The generation born in the 1940s grew up in a land of endless growth and possibility, ruled by a confident, moderate elite. But just as they were embarking on adult life, all that started to come apart. The economy faltered, and the post-war consensus came under pressure from two sides: from the radical right, who hated government moves on civil rights  – and from the ‘New Left’, as boomers rebelled against their parents' generation and its war in Vietnam.To listen to the full series, subscribe to Economist Podcasts+. If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about how to access Economist Podcasts+, please visit our FAQs page or watch our video explaining how to link your account.


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