Tracing the Roots of the Climate Crisis  

Tracing the Roots of the Climate Crisis

Author: Ben Cushing

This podcast explores some of the root causes of the climate crisis. But, maybe surprisingly, it doesnt spend very much time talking about the climate crisis itself. Instead, it examines the ways that climate change grows from the same root as other crises we face, including racial and gender injustice and economic exploitation and precarity. Each of the four chapters of this podcast will explore the roots of the climate crisis from different angles - ranging from a discussion of the consequences of the capitalist economic system, to an examination of the cultural stories that justify colonialism, genocide and slavery. And throughout, it will try to keep sight of our own agency to resist systems of power and to co-create alternatives to the way things currently are.
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Language: en

Genres: Science, Social Sciences

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Ron Reed and Kari Marie Norgaard on Fixing the World
Episode 7
Monday, 5 February, 2024

Ron Reed and Kari Marie Norgaard discuss the deep social and ecological violence and transformations imposed on Karuk land and people within the last century and a half of colonialism.  We also explore the deep anti-colonial work of healing land and people.  Ron Reed is a Karuk Tribal Member. He’s a cultural biologist for the Karuk Tribe, a traditional dipnet fisherman, co-founder of the Karuk - UC Berkeley Collaborative and leader within Karuk Climate Change Projects.  His work centers on efforts to restore traditional ecological and social practices as a way to fix the world.  Dr Kari Marie Norgaard is the non-native author of Salmon and Acorns Feed Our People: Colonialism, Nature and Social Action. She’s a Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies at the University of Oregon. Her previous publications include the excellent 2011 book Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions and Everyday Life. 


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