Political Party Live  

Political Party Live

Recorded in front of live audiences across the st

Author: Political Party Live

Recorded in front of live audiences across the state of Iowa, Political Party Live! features leading political and cultural voices to discuss important and timely issues.
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Language: en

Genres: News

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Please Squeeze A Hand (Phillip Agnew)
Friday, 17 July, 2020

Here's a little something for the soul... "I’ve listened to this speech countless times with my hands holding each other. We have to often remind ourselves and each other that our hands are tools. When we believe in ourselves these tools are all that is needed to lay down a foundation, and when we support one another we can use that foundation to build a future worth fighting for, the future we all deserve. Stacey told me in times of turmoil, creating art is one of the most sacred forms of grounding the self, your foundation. I chose sound, Phillip chose words. These two just happened to meet randomly with a simple pretext and understanding that our hands are dedicated to the restructuring of this broken system and renovation of the home the universe has assigned to us. Where every voice matters and no one is left behind. Whether you are alone or among the masses, and you are fighting for the next world, I kindly ask you to please squeeze a hand." -Sam Alexaxis, PPL! Producer and Sound Engineer


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