Food Ops  

Food Ops

Prepping for inspection is a tall order

Author: Derrick and Becca

This show is for the restaurant entrepreneur, food service operator, and anyone considering entering the food biz. Prepping for inspections is a tall order, but Food Ops is here to help.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Management

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110 Delivery Processes & Approved Food Sources
Tuesday, 1 June, 2021

110 Delivery Processes & Approved Food Sources | BBQ Food Temps | Ghost Kitchens & Autonomous DeliveryDo you know what to look for when the delivery guy brings your food order to your establishment? Derrick has a checklist of ideas that might help. Hot days and cool food temps just don't go together. Learn how to maintain the safety of your outdoor bbq food items. Finally, what's up with ghost kitchens and unmanned food delivery? We take a quick look at these food service trends. We're glad you're here. Welcome, y'all. This is Food Ops.


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