That She May Find Peace  

That She May Find Peace

Author: Lindsay Jenkins

Every day, all mamas want is peace. We want the kids to stop fighting, we want quiet time to ourselves, and we want the voices in our heads to stop telling us we're failures. Peace seems to be a difficult thing to come by, especially when we struggle with mental health disorders or have someone in our home who struggles. It's overwhelming trying to tackle life, kids, homes, money, marriage, our own self-image, and everything else just on its own! If you add in mental health disorders, peace becomes a non-existent dream. That's where I come in, my friend. I've got the tools to help you finally find the peace you're looking for in your motherhood. My only goal is to help you learn the tools NOW that I've used over 22 years of parenting so I can save you the heartache I've experienced. I'm here to be your guide, to give you the resources you need, and to teach you where to look to find the peace you're searching for. I also want to help you remember who you are in the process and remember that your worth is priceless.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Education, Health & Fitness, Mental Health, Self-Improvement

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