A BROTHERS QUARRELAuthor: Jake/Bob Calder
Two brothers' journey into the world of talking about silly things online. With card games, Harry Potter, and fanfic. Language: en Genres: Comedy Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 183: Knocking Off The Cobwebs
Episode 127
Thursday, 4 January, 2024
After over a year break, we finally got to sit down again and record an episode. This is 100% the fault of our friend Jason, who runs the Two Minds podcast with his friend, Jason. He bullied us into recording again, and you can blame him for everything that happens. Today we talk D&D, what we hated about nicknames growing up, and then we get spicy and talk about social contracts and social media, please don't run away Intro Music: A Day In Cincinnati by Nicolai Heidlas Logo by Jamie-Lyn Trinckes brothersquarrel@gmail.com @ABQpodcast