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77 RealityBites #18 The Universe Only Says Yes!
Thursday, 12 December, 2024
Hello Friends! Thank you so much for joining me for another episode! Below is a brief summary of the talking points relevant to this episode. Enjoy! What is your I Am? - Neale Donald Walsch As a universal response to every thought is yes God only knows one word and that is yes Yes to what? Yes to whatever you think, say or do… The good side of this the positive side is universe never says no… The bad side of this is for those that don't know how the system works is..universe only says yes So if you say, I am sick and tired of my life going like this… the universe says …yes that’s true I want more money…universe says yes, indeed that’s true And you will have the experience of wanting money, because you are declaring in fact what’s true for you The principle of correspondence "As above, so below; as below, so above." —The Kybalion or “As within, so without” Going a bit deeper into the art manifesting - what we hold energetically within us is what we will attune to, resonate with in the so called outside world - by correspondence In the other words the very thoughts you emit will correspond to the reality you create - as creator beings we have the capability to intentionally create by the process of thoughts, intention and aligned action I’ve always been fascinated by how we create our reality and therefore how we create or day to day lives, our habitual thoughts, sub-conscious programming and belief systems influence our world In other words what you embody as a frequency or vibration is that which will be reflected back to from the field the universe Simply put you create more of what you already are - It influences the field because you are the field and the knower of the field You are that with what you want to attract If you are habitually positive, joyful, optimistic then you will create and attract more of these experiences by virtue of the people , places and experiences So it comes down to the beingness which is a distinction between wanting something through lack or fear or desperation - Or if you are emitting a resonance or energetic field or instilling or programming the field with frustration or lack or anger or bitterness then that's what you will reflect back! Hey, Reality Hub fans! Please support the podcast by following RealityHub on Instagram, Facebook and on Youtube for future videos.