Poop Bags, and other necessities  

Poop Bags, and other necessities

Author: Susanne Shelton

Poop Bags is a podcast all about the world of dogs. Hosted by the mother and daughter team of professional dog trainers and German Shepherd breeders Susanne Shelton CPDT-KA AKC Breeder of Merit and Rebecca Pinkston. Join us as we talk about all things dog.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals

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Trials, tribulations and the teenage dog with Camille Personne CCDT CDBC
Wednesday, 24 May, 2023

Apologies in advance if the formatting is lost, I’ve not yet figured Anchor out…….This time we are talking with Camille Personne about the trials and tribulations of the teenage dog. Camille is a Certified Dog Trainer and Behavior Consultant ( CCDT, CDBC) for Pawsitive Futures in Atlanta. Where she does a wide range of behavior work, works with puppies and teenagers and helping them learn to navigate our human world. Through Pawsitive Futures Camille and her colleagues offer online classes in Trick Dog (including virtual testing), Impulse Control, Manners/Obedience. We also offer virtual coaching for manners, conformation, sport dog foundations, canicross, puppy raising, and more. Teenage webinars. Attention and Impulse Control Managing Arousal in Dogs Enrichment: ofenrichment/ General/guides: ng-canine-teenagehood/3fbclid=IwAR3MvV4bT 4o|sL 8×G2uVL8RrW8pvvvxnVieCB5DVZcbzyKM3o|fN4sn Q&mibextid=Zxz2cZ fbclid=|wAR2OtbU7F uScRuvnW2QW×8SCfrtaRIAFk 8YpBE3|sOR-iOSY7IPrQmc|Mc&mibextid=Zxz2cZ The Best Way to Play with Adolesent Dogs GET EXCITED & CALM DOWN The Red Light/ Green Light game This is a great game to teach our pups to play softly (without mouthing) and also to help them control their excitement better. In a nutshell, the game is about getting our pups mildly excited and then ask for a calm behavior ( sit, touch, look, or down) before resuming play again. This helps prevent play from escalating into frenzied/frantic biting and helps your pup learn that calm behaviors get more attention. Starting the game: Playing fetch: https://youtu. be/Oy3tauiRg90 Playing tug:


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