Listening Closely - Awaken Your Interior  

Listening Closely - Awaken Your Interior

Author: Tasha Cleaveland

I am here to guide you on your own path of reclamation. To live your life more fully, more authentically, and nurture your body and soul every single day. To be the voice that reminds you that you arent alone, leads you back into your body, and helps you remember how to fill up before emptying out. I am here to tell you, this life you are living is not how it has to be, if you are willing to simply listen closely. . Every morning join me as I share my stories of discovery and insight from the previous day's reflection and tips to awaken your interior. . Motherhood can feel like invasion of the body-snatchers. This vessel we use to transport our being through life is no longer our own. We get used to breathing through pain and discomfort and putting ourselves last, because everyone else needs something- right. now. . In the end, we forget ourselves. . We forget that we were a woman first. We forget all the things we used to love, that lit us up and we were passionate about. Hobbies. Remember those? No, not your kids. Yours. What did that feel like? . We forget that we were a lover first and our bodies were made for pleasure. So much pleasure. Do you remember what that felt like? To want to be touched because we werent already touched out. To ask for what our body wanted and feel heard? . We began to believe our body was our enemy and just a machine. We look into the mirror and dont recognize the person standing there. The muffin top and stretch marks, the 3-day-old messy bun, the lines and cracks that tell the story of our motherhood. . And if by chance we feel seen by the masculine, we assume its because we wore our pajamas outside again. . We look around ourselves and feel shame at the pillows and toys on the floor, the dishes in the sink, our laundry mountain and our dated decor, as if the state of our home is our parenting report card and we are failing everywhere we turn. . We see the moms who have it all figured out. Who leave the house showered, stylish and wi
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Kids & Family, Parenting, Self-Improvement

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Episode 16: Finding Our Edges
Episode 16
Thursday, 26 August, 2021

I have spent so much of my life settling for scraps. Being the jello that fits in-between what everyone else needs and wants. Telling myself, someday, it will be my turn. Today I am going to share what happened when I stepped away from my life for 4 weeks, and took a journey through Europe, to find Anna and my edges.Grab your other device to play today’s movement song. “Rise Up” by Imagine Dragons Find it, and all our movement songs on my Spotify playlist, at Today when you move your body, find pleasure in the rise. Whether it is a slow push up, a melting heart pose sliding back onto your shins, a hero pose with a lift and lower, or rising onto your feet and taking the slowest unravel into a stand. Find pleasure in the journey and go even slower than you think you can. As always, I will let you know what I am doing, incase you need a little guidance. But follow your own body if it is telling you something different.  Your Soulwork for today:I have a challenge for you. Today, we begin our epic love story, together. How will you show love to yourself today? Join me on Instagram and Facebook @awakenyourinterior as I share one tiny action each day, to show yourself love. I will even be leading live movement on Instagram just so you can see how this looks instead of just hearing it. When you find Self Love actions you love, stack them, adding them into your daily ritual. You are the only one who can do this, and the universe is waiting. 


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