Marketing Power  

Marketing Power

Author: Victor Powers Marketing Power

The Marketing Power Podcast Featuring Victor Powers - aka The Marketing Mechanic "Your marketing is broken. I'm the fix." Power Marketing Online for Affiliates and Networkers I'll show you how to build a horde of raving fans, cement an unbreakable bond with them, and make your piggy bank so fat and happy it'll squeal with delight.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Marketing

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Why Entrepreneurs Don't Do It All
Episode 3
Saturday, 22 May, 2021

Hey, how's it going? Today I'm going to talk to you about learning curves because I'm knee-deep in building out my new forum.  Why am I building the forum? Well, there are many reasons. Mostly because I'm a marketer and I'm building this for marketers, but anybody else who wants to learn about that kind of stuff too. And the general idea is to be Facebook without all the restrictions and warrior without all the crap.


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