A network that is a joint venture providing programming about Realizing and Knowing the Divine Within Everyone and Everything.


Divine Realization Radio is an outreach of the grassroots movement Project New Humanity. This station is a Haven for those whose "church" or "living temple and altar of devotion" are WITHIN. This is a threshold, gathering place without walls, committed to the remembrance of our innate Divinity and Oneness with the Supreme Absolute God-Mind and Presence. This network is brought to you by Project New Humanity Communications. We aim to provide programming to help you connect with the Divine Presence within an to help birth "The New Humanity", promoting the shift and growth of Unitive, Non-dual Awareness in our world. We are amazing creations, divine manifestations, capable of immense greatness. By reconnecting to both the core of who we are (the Presence of Pure Beingness and Radiant Love) and to the universality of the Eternal Awareness of Oneness, the seeds of integrity, wholeness, charity, goodwill, peace, justice, non-violence, tolerance, a shared and common purpose, transformation, and transcendence are born through each conscious breath we take. We are at a vital stage in our evolution. To allow the "shift" from separative, fearful, and egoic consciousness to the very Oneness from which we came to fully manifest and incarnate, we must adopt a cross-cultural, trans-national, collective responsibility for preserving what is in the highest and best interest of the planet and cosmos. By re-qualifying, re-generating, re-imagining, re-examining, and re-inventing our social roles, as well as shedding the shell of worn out self-definitions that divide, we will see the need to bless and uplift the one human family, by simply changing the way we perceive reality. By adjusting our thoughts, rising above limitations created by mental structures and entanglements, and through a willingness to see our brothers and sisters in Spirit as our saviors and mirrors for our development, we too
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Tuesday, 3 January, 2012

Join us live TUESDAYS, 9 pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 7pm Mountain and 6pm Pacific Time for our discussion of Way of Mastery Consciousness. “The Way of Consciousness” radio talk show is co-hosted by spiritual and trans-denominational visionaries Lee Allen Petersen, OFJ, Michael Sherbert, OFJ, and Linda Marie Nelson, OFJ who offer insights to Mastery Consciousness. Explore the universal and all-inclusive reality of Christ Consciousness and the Oneness of Divine Spirit in all traditions. Expand your Inner Awareness of Divine Presence, learn deeper ways of spiritual mastery through dialog, contemplation, prayer and meditation practices. Be a part of the collective effort to embody the Consciousness of Oneness and experience Inner Peace. All of our programs are archived and available for your "anytime" listening. Go to: scroll down to "On Demand Episodes. Interested in deepening your Spiritual Awareness or Ordained Ministry Study?  Consider joining our discussions on Skype. Contact us: Visit our websites: We thank you. We bless you.


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