Random Urban Memories  

Random Urban Memories

Author: Random Urban Memories

If you have seen, heard or felt it on the streets... Well we're here to talk about it.
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Interview with Dr. Dan Freedman - Pandemic - Grifting unreal information and real illness
Friday, 31 July, 2020

Today we talk to Dr. Dan Freedman, pediatric neurologist. We discuss the current covid situation and the misinformation that surrounds it. This pandemic has created an open window for antivaxxers and anti-science and this talk provides a glimpse as to how the scene has changed. We will talk about how misinformation is palletable to keen and understandibly nervous folks. We also discuss how the scientific peer review process has its flaws and what is actually involved in it and why it is currently still best method of proving your best method wrong in the right way. An open and honest interview that highlights some of the best and the worst in published data. We also touch on pharma shill bux and how grifters make their money.If you have any comments of ideas or suggestions, contact us in any of the ways below. We will gladly reply! You won't find us on facebook anymore, because it is quite frankly sh*t and we can't deal with long-forgotten-yet-still-facebook-friends classmates posting "5G changes your eye colour and race and activates covid" type of nonsense and the homeopathic remedies that follow .E-Mail us directly at or hit us up on social media by simply seaqrching "Random Urban Memories"Especially on Twitter @randomurbanAny podcasting App/Site including Deezer, Spotify, iTunes, iHeart Radio & TuneIn RadioDirect Podcast Website/ RSS Feed:


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