HEAL Utah PodcastHEAL Utah Podcast: Your source for politics, culture, economics, & everything in between through an environmental lens. Author: The Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah
Welcome to the HEAL Utah Podcast: conversations about politics, culture, economics, and everything in between through an environmental lens. Language: en-us Genres: Business, News, Non-Profit, Politics Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode #123: Meet HEAL’s new staff members!
Friday, 4 October, 2019
We've had a few staff changes here at HEAL Utah and we are so excited to introduce you to our new Development Director, Turner Bitton, and Grassroots Organizer, Carmen Val Dez! Listen to this week's episode (the last of the 2019 HEAL Utah Podcast season) to hear about their background, how they'll live their best HEAL life with us, and what challenges they are excited to take on in their new roles. You can meet Turner and Carmen in person at our 20th Anniversary Fall Party on October 10th! Get tickets today at www.healutah.org/fallparty2019 (and don't forget to ask about their cows or dogs when you meet them at the party). This episode is brought to you by KUHL Clothing. Subscribe to the HEAL Utah podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, or our RSS feed.