DRC's PodcastAuthor: DRC
Dakota Resource Council podcast is a weekly update with organization news, events and member profiles. Formed in 1978, Dakota Resource Council grew out of existing organizing efforts responding to impacts from coal development. Each year brings new threats to our members and their communities. Local residents often have to play defense when it comes to rapid energy and agriculture policies and infrastructure. But they have power when they come together as a community.Responsible development requires local short-term and long-term concerns from constituents to be taken into account when decisions are being made. We owe it to our neighbors, our communities, and our future generations to protect our states resources and local voices.DRC works with communities across the state to organize around common goals of securing a thriving North Dakota and putting people first. Members take action to create public awareness and shape public policy to ensure safe and responsible development, to protect North Dakotas agricultural economy, and to establish a foundation for a just transition to a diverse energy economy. Language: en-us Genres: Business, Government, Non-Profit Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Don Morrison on the Power of Dakota Resource Council
Episode 1
Monday, 23 December, 2024
In this premiere episode, host Sean Arithson (Communications Coordinator at Dakota Resource Council) catches up with Don Morrison, former Executive Director of DRC (2012–2018). Don reflects on the organization’s deep roots in grassroots organizing, from pushing for responsible oil regulations to safeguarding farmland and ranching communities across North Dakota. To learn more, get involved, or support the work of Dakota Resource Council, visit DRCinfo.org to connect and donate today!Support the show