Learn Kabuverdianu | Children's Stories in Kabuverdianu (Cape Verdean Kriolu)Author: Learn Kabuverdianu Language: en Genres: Kids & Family, Stories for Kids Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Planus di un Furmiginha 🐜📚
Thursday, 25 August, 2022
🇨🇻 Kel stória li é sobri un furmiginha ki konsigi djuda tudu kes otu furmingas. Modi ki el konsigi faze djuda-s. Pamodi ki é bon lé livrus? 🇺🇸 This is a story about a little ant who saved the day. How did he save the day and what can you learn about why it's good to read books? 📕 Click here 👉🏾 Planus di un Furmiginha to buy This New Dual language Children's book on Amazon More Paperback books available on Amazon 📕 Click here 👉🏾 Amazon to see our entire collection of New Dual language Children's book on Amazon 🇺🇸 The 30 page English and Cape Verdean Kriolu (Kabuverdianu) dual language book is ideal for learners of both Kabuverdianu (Cape Verdean Kriolu) and English. 🇨🇻 Livru di di es stória li ten 30 pajina Na lingua Kabuverdianu i Inglês é bon pa kalker algen ki krê prende Inglês ô Kabuverdianu. 📚Read the story in our digital library subscribe for free Here 📚Lé es stória li na nos bibliotéka dijítal di grasa klika Li. 📖 First ever English to Kabuverdianu digital dictionary. 📖 Primeru inglês pa kabuverdianu disionáriu dijital. Our videos also help you Learn Kabuverdianu (Kriolu) the Language of the Cape Verde (Cabo Verde) islands. 🎥 Watch the video of this story on Youtube 🎥 Odja es stória na Youtube 🇨🇻 Kabuverdianu (Kriolu) is the language of the Cape Verde (Cabo Verde) Islands. Watch the following videos to learn more; 📌 History of the language 📌 Is it Kabuverdianu or Kriolu? 📌 Learn the alphabet 👩🏽🏫 Sign up for our online lessons here. 🎉Thanks for listening! Don't forget to share and follow us at: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | Spotify #Kriolu #Kabuverdianu #capeverdeandictionary #caboverde #stories #capeverde #capvert #praia #alupec