Birds Paradise  

Birds Paradise

Author: Michael Bird

Living your authentic life. Really doing the hard work on who you truly are in the moment, accepting you who were in the past, and taking the actions and steps setting you up to walk into a dream life; the life you always knew you wanted but didnt know how to achieve. Its good to keep in mind the only constant in life is change
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship

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Impromptu conversation on “being the light”
Episode 1
Monday, 19 August, 2019

You ever wonder if what you are doing is crazy or not? Me too. I was in Wholefoods today and simply introduced myself to this happy man next to me. We chatted for a second and then he asked me something, something I had a feeling was going to lead to a great conversation. So as kind as he was he said I could record. And here is the product, and perfect example of “being the light”... you really never know who you’ll meet 🙏🏽


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