Bits & Pretzels PodcastAuthor: Britta Weddeling
Every week Bits & Pretzels Editor-in-Chief Britta Weddeling (@bweddeling) invites the most important voices from the global founders and VC network to her podcast to discuss their routes from founding or financing a startup to the peak of international success. Guest include world renowned Silicon Valley representatives such as former Head of Retail at Apple, Angela Ahrendts, Shazam founder Chris Barton, Drew Houston, the founder of Dropbox, Hollywood actor Jessica Alba and the leading voices of the European founder ecosystem including the CEOs and co-founders of Klarna, N26, Celonis, Flixbus and more. Did you ever struggle with how to take your idea to the international markets? How to raise capital? And you never want to miss a groundbreaking idea again? Well, that's exactly what we're going to help you with on our new show! If you enjoyed the podcast, please let us know by leaving a review or send us feedback directly at Subscribe to the show for free on Apple Podcast, Spotify or Deezer to get new episodes automatically every week. Learn more on our website: Language: en Genres: Business, Business News, Entrepreneurship, News Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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B&P #53: "You have to stick to what you believe in the core"
Episode 53
Tuesday, 2 February, 2021
This week’s guest is Oliver Holle, Co-founder and Managing Partner at Speedinvest, one of Europe's leading investment companies, which is working with some of the household names in the startup ecosystem such as Tier, Schüttflix or Planetly. Before becoming an investor, Oliver had started a business himself which struggled quite a bit during the first years but then merged with two other startups and became 3united, a mobile content and messaging company. It was acquired by VeriSign in 2006 for 55 million Euros. Together with Oliver, who has lived and worked both in Silicon Valley and Europe as a founder and investor, we’ll be taking a look back to find out what learnings he has to share especially from the past year - and we will look into the future: At major trends and developments and how to succeed as a founder or investor in 2021: “As a founder in crisis, you need to be two things. You need to be ignorant. You can't listen to everybody. You can't believe all the things people tell you, because if you do that, then you throw in the towel immediately. So you have to stick to what you believe in the core. And on the other hand, you have to listen super carefully and differentiate and substance, say, be flat, open up your inner beliefs about what you think is true and really challenge that for yourself.“ Tune in to this episode if you want to hear more about 1) Oliver’s tips for entrepreneurs on how to get through 2021 - another year which will for sure be strongly influenced by the ongoing pandemic, 2) the importance of a strong company culture and a reliable team and 3) what playing cards with his daughter has taught him about taking risks and why he recommends time offline to everyone. More to explore: Stay updated on news & insights from us about founders, startups in Bavaria, Austria & Switzerland at Signup for our media newsletter to get the next episode of this podcast delivered right to your inbox: Hosts: Britta Weddeling (@bweddeling), Bits & Pretzels podcast host (@bitsandpretzels) Featuring: Oliver Holle (@oholle), Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Speedinvest (@speedinvest) Follow us: Twitter: @bitsandpretzels Linkedin: If you like the show, please let us know by leaving a review. You can also send us feedback at Production: (Regina Körner, Migo Fecke), Sophie Dechansreiter & Dina Zhakupova.