That's the Way it Taste  

That's the Way it Taste

You know what every town is filled with? People..

Author: Talking about Local Restaurants Near You...All of You

You know what every town is filled with? People....and places....and things...and restaurants! Lots and lots of restaurants, at least where we live. And where we live may be very similar to where you live and the restaurants you have in your neighborhood. We're going to be visiting those restaurants, talk about what we love, what we like, and what we think is rather not nice. So tune in and turn it up this is That's the Way it Taste!
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy

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Goldies Saloon - Season 2: Episode 02
Tuesday, 17 October, 2017

This is how you do it....well at least how we do it. By that, we mean go months without recording only to come back in a fierce, blinding fury to give the people not what they want, but what they need, delightful reviewing bliss. This episode takes us to a restaurant over 140 years old and a kitchen that's not much older. Sit back, relax, and give your ear buds a taste.


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