I Reddit on the Internet  

I Reddit on the Internet

two guys who already peruse the internet too much

Author: Doc and Bussey

two guys who already peruse the internet too much and have some laughs doing it decided to record it these are their goofs a podcast
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy

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Ep. 7: Evan's Essence
Monday, 11 July, 2016

Our most alcohol fueled episode to date! With a special guest, and by special guest I mean Evan walked in while we were recording and we just rolled with it. Because we're not jerks. Some talking points from this beautiful disaster are our apparent love for disgusting food late at night, the continuous landslide that is Burger King's marketing department, & out lawyering a lawyer to become a lawyer. Note: At one point during this episode Bussey says "I miss that ten minutes." This is a reference to a 10 minute period that Doc permitted him to talk about whatever he chose without ridicule. He chose anime. Of course he chose anime. However, during recording we lost about 40 minutes of show due to memory card issues and that along with what this episode could have been is floating in the ether now. IROTI: figuring out how to podcast one colossal fuck up at a time.


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