

Author: Marisol Galicia

Thoughts on life as a first generation Mexican-American who always opts to see the positive even in the negative and as such wanted to always be reminded to stay true to her original strengths even in adversity. To seek what I call serenity [happiness] through my decisions and to value everyones perspective even when I disagree.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship

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What will it take? For YOU to MAKE IT HAPPEN
Episode 1
Friday, 21 January, 2022

This year went by very quickly. We made some changes to the operations of our primary business and side hustles. Experimenting, getting criticized, bullied, belittled but also supported, esteemed, inspired and and honored. Made plenty of mistakes along the way. Throughout those changes and emotions, on a personal level it included dealing with truly seeing myself for who I am. What my flaws are, learning to embrace those. What my quirks are, learning that those are some of what sets me apart. It always has. They always will. Who we were plays a vital role in who we become. What I’ve come to realize is that reflecting, questioning our thoughts, actions and even the lack thereof can give us great insight into what we can change. However, we first must accept that the only constant is change. Starting there gives us the mindset that enables us to continually make progress as opposed to remaining stuck. Hoping the words of the podcast may meet you where you are in your journey and serve of great value. withallmysweetness, marii • #growthmindset #entrepreneur #itsajourney #latina #latinapreneur #latinapodcast #mariipodcast


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