Outbound Squad  

Outbound Squad

A sales podcast hosted by Jason Bay

Author: Outbound Squad

This sales podcast is for B2B reps and sales teams who want to turn complete strangers into paying customers. Join me (you can call me JBay) as I interview sales experts, leaders, and top-performing reps to learn the stories, secrets, and skills of the worlds most successful sales professionals.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers, Marketing

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[LIVE Training] Cold Calling: How to build a killer talk track (that your reps will actually use)
Tuesday, 25 June, 2024

This episode is the audio from our recent webinar on cold calling. Jason was joined by Jack Wauson, Timothy Miller, and Teddy Moody to share a proven process that’s simple to use, is crazy effective at landing meetings, and adaptable for a wide range of personas. (Check out the show notes, more free content, and get coaching at


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