Prime MotivationAuthor: Mark Abdelmessih
A podcast created to motivate & success everyone around the world. Language: en Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Someone has to be a great success. Why not you? - Success Motivation
Episode 1
Wednesday, 8 January, 2020
Not sure who this helps, but I hope it helps someone: Life is not simple, but you must think clearly to see what are your true dreams, aspirations or goals. Your life is precious to you, is it not? So why are you living your life trying to satisfy someone else? Why are you choosing to turn against yourself? I believe that making a living is not the primary goal we should have, living is not that hard to come by. Nowadays we have even government that can support the less fortunate. But what about your life... It's not over yet so what are you waiting for? Why haven't you yet gone after that desire in life you have always had. What is that thing that you have always wanted that for some reason unbeknownst to yourself you have not acted on yet? Many want a perfect life, a perfect life is not practical. You are bound to run into all sorts of issues. But we can all agree our life is limited, there is a clock ticking and eventually, that clock will not tick anymore. Can we agree to that? Today we live in 2020, soon it will be 2021, and soon after that, it will be the year 2022. How will your life change? Will it change based on your accord? At a young age, we all had the greatest intention to live life to the fullest, but somewhere along the way we became discouraged, we have chosen to turn inward. By this, we suffer from depression, anger, sadness. But in a landscape of the nomadic nature, the human race could not stay stagnant. Or else the outcome all leading to death: starvation, disease, becoming some beasts dinner; none the less there was no rest during this chaos. Yet in all this chaos no human psych continued to develop. Many years later we developed cities, farms, and factories that all contribute to our quality of life. And as human minds began to grow stagnant so did their bodies, and depression became on the rise. Children are younger than ever committing suicide, disobeying the very essence of life and the very most prized position. My best advice: keep your mind occupied on your dreams, your desires. Keep your mind occupied on what makes you happy, what puts a smile on your face. Work towards your dreams and enjoy the process. Thank you.