These Final Days... with Bill, Terri, John, & Ryan  

These Final Days... with Bill, Terri, John, & Ryan

Author: These Final Days Ministries

Language: en

Genres: Christianity, Religion, Religion & Spirituality

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The 144,000: Jews AND Christians, on Earth during the Great Tribulation and Antichrist?
Tuesday, 17 September, 2024

Please remember to "Subscribe" to our channel and "Like" this video!  These Final Days Ministries: www.TheseFinalDays.orgBill, Terri, John, & Pastor Ryan continue their look at what is one of the most popular "proofs" of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture offered by those who promote this doctrine: the notion that John's depiction of being called up to Heaven in Revelation 4:1-2 is symbolic of the Body of Christ being Raptured before the start of the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist.  In this episode:  Who are the 144,000 in Revelation 7 who are supernaturally "sealed" for protection from God's wrath just before the Great Tribulation begins?  Revelation chapter 7 seems to indicate that the 144,000 are "Jewish" -- all from the Twelve Tribes of Israel -- but is there more going on here than immediately meets the eye?  Are there any other hints in the Book of Revelation about the identity of this very important group -- a group that is clearly depicted as being on Earth during the Great Tribulation and the reign of the Antichrist?  This podcast regularly discusses these topics:  Bible Study, eschatological, end of the world, End Times, Last Days, Book of Revelation, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Post-Tribulation Rapture, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Second Coming, Third Temple, Second Coming of Christ, the Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Two Witnesses, Four Horsemen, Apocalypse, Israel#rapture #eschatology #revelation #endtimes #secondcoming #raptureofbride #lastdays #bookofrevelation #tribulation #antichrist #thirdtemple #biblestudy #jews #oldcovenant #israel


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