Wild Bros Country  

Wild Bros Country

Author: Emma Deady

Commentary on the current state of affairs in Alberta, Wild Bros Country. Hosted by Emma Deady, featuring new guests every week.
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

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WEXIT: A Country(?) of Wild Bros?
Episode 3
Friday, 21 May, 2021

In this episode of Wild Bros Country I sit down with my new friend and absolute wealth of knowledge on all things Alberta politics- Wyatt Tanton to discuss the single most Wild Bros Country thing I can think of—the move to make Alberta its own country of wild bros. AKA. WEXIT. Wyatt has spent the past two years committed to making The Case Against Wexit, a YouTube video—and I would be inclined to call it a documentary of sorts—which is the product of hundreds of hours of research, writing, editing, and shooting by Wyatt himself. When I first sat down to watch it, I was shocked by its length, at over 2 hours long I began to suspect that maybe there was more to the WEXIT movement than I had realized. In my own ignorance I wrote all separatists off as lifted truck driving, truck-nut loving, Trudeau hating, Trump worshipping, racist fuckwits. But now that I’ve watched the mini-documentary sorts, and had a near 5 hour conversations with Wyatt, I only think that about some of them. Of course there is a complex history behind what brought so many ppl within our province to believe that Alberta would be better off it turned on its cowboy boot heels and two-stepped out of Canada. I highly recommend watching the Case Against Wexit. I learned so so much, and as Wyatt summarizes, “it explores the history of separatism in Canada as well as in movements around the world. It dives into the issues the separatists have and the claims they make, as well as some deeper dives into Alberta's political history and character - and ultimately tries to answer the question of "Should Alberta leave confederation?”. Anyways, I had to edit our conversation down from 5 hours to this. I learned so much from both my conversation with Wyatt and from The Case Against Wexit. Now I know you’re all on the edge of your seats to learn all about western separatism, so with out further ado here is someone far more educated on the topic than myself. We reference the Case Against WEXIT frequently in this episode, and for good reason. If you’re interested in watching it, here’s the link: While you’re there please like/share/subscribe to the Alberta Political Accountability Hub on YouTube. If you have some extra cheddar and appreciate the tireless work Wyatt is putting in to create a healthier political climate in Alberta, please consider supporting his projects on Patreon: Alberta Political Accountability Hub Links: Youtube: Twitter: Facebook: AlbertaPoliticalAccountabilityHub Patreon: Wyatt Tanton: Instagram: @wyatttanton Twitter: @wyatttanton


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