Tips for Treats: The Dog Training Pawdcast  

Tips for Treats: The Dog Training Pawdcast

Author: Trick4TreatTraining

CPDT-KA and owner of Trick4TreatTraining Stewart Wynegar breaks down some of the core concepts that all dog trainers are (should) be keeping in mind as they go about their profession. Whether you are a seasoned dog trainer, someone looking to mix up their training, or someone looking to begin their training journey, there is something for you here!
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals

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A.B.C.'s of Dog Training
Episode 10
Monday, 6 June, 2022

We all should know our A.B.C.'s but when we are talking about Dog Training we are talking about The Antecedent, The Behavior, and The Consequence. By applying this basic formula to any given behavior we see our dogs exhibiting, we can narrow down the exact causes and the primary reinforcers behind them. In doing so, we can give ourselves the best opportunity to reshape that behavior and see it increase or decrease depending on what our goals are at the time. NEW Video format is now available for those platforms that support it.


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