The_Gap Podcast Series  

The_Gap Podcast Series

Author: threesixtyfiveplusone

Exploring Black Infant Mortality, Maternal Health and Health Care Disparities
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Life Sciences, Parenting, Science

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King Hollis: American Storyteller
Episode 20
Friday, 11 August, 2023

America has always had a cagey relationship with the art and craft and business  of cinema.  In  this episode, acclaimed film director King Hollis speaks about the dynamic connection between what we see on film and television, and what we perceive and judge as  reality— and truth.  Said King Hollis, “…in the early days of cinema, the culture shapeed the movies but in these days,  it is  the movies and television , which shape the culture. “ What does this mean for us going forward?”  We  take a deep and  purposeful drive into the depths of art and cinema as the soundtrack and movement for those whose voices and stories are often pushed into the background.


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