It's Just Business  

It's Just Business

Author: Dana Dowdell and Russ Harlow

It's Just Business is the podcast for the small business owner. Co-hosted by entrepreneurs Russ Harlow and Dana Dowdell, It's Just Business interviews local, regional, and national business owners and experts. We cover all aspects of small business start-up and growth to help motivate and inspire you to level up your business. As we grow our businesses, we want to help you grow yours.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Management

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IJB Update with Dana and Russ
Thursday, 24 August, 2023

After two and a hafl years of recording, we are hitting the pause button to recharge and refocus. It's not a sign-off, but rather a short intermission in our content creation journey. The grind of running a business while producing content has finally caught up with us, and to ensure you keep receiving the high-quality content you deserve, we're taking some time off to rejuvenate. While we're away, we encourage you to explore our 135 past episodes and let us know what you're eager to hear more about in our show. Your input is our guiding light, and it'll help us tailor future content to your interests. We'll keep the conversation going on social media, promoting our best work and seeking your valuable feedback. Remember, this isn't goodbye. We're merely taking a short breather, and we promise to return in 2024, reenergized and ready to deliver even more engaging and enriching content. Until then, keep tuning in, and stay excited for what lies ahead!


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