We 55Author: Princeton AlumniCorps
A podcast by Princeton AlumniCorps. Princeton AlumniCorps is a 501 (c)(3) non profit organization dedicated to mobilizing people, networks and organizations for the public good. Co-Hosts: Brielle Blackshear and Soraia Francisco Language: en Genres: Business, Non-Profit Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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Tax Season is Coming!!! featuring Scott Taylor '75
Episode 8
Thursday, 9 January, 2020
In this episode we're dive into some tax prep and basics as we near tax season. For Fellows, this may be the first year where significant tax returns are at play, so how do you navigate them? We feature one of our own Board Members and treasured volunteer- Scott Taylor '75. Scott will share about his experience with filing taxes, share about basic tax forms, scenarios that may bring challenges and options to consider when filling your own taxes. We also offer resources where you can file your taxes for free - but remember, if you're not sure, go with professional, educated tax opinions! #Taxes #Finances #Adulting