Talking Jobs  

Talking Jobs

Author: Talking Jobs

With more than 20 years in the staffing and recruiting industry, Kevin O'Brien has compiled a wealth of experience helping connect high-caliber talent with world class companies. Join Kevin and his guests and stay up to date on trends and topics related to the job search. You might also find the job of your dreams.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Careers

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Can I educate my way to the job of my dreams?
Monday, 14 January, 2019

If I go back to school, or get more certifications, am I more likely to get the job I most desire? This is a question I get asked all the time (usually from someone with student debt and out of work) There is no substitute for real-world experience, but that does not mean the education is not important. In this episode, I discuss a recent conversation I had with a gentleman looking to switch careers who went back to school to get more certifications.


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