Together an Active Future PodcastAuthor: Ken Masser & Jamie Waugh
Jamie Waugh and Ken Masser sometimes wonder what the heck theyre doing and whether any of it make any sense. Along with some fantastic guests, TaAF Talks will share with you their learning and experiences, both good and bad from working on a Sport England Local Delivery Pilot. So, are you in a role or a team that is a bit stuck in tradition and old ways of working? Want to try something new and creative but dont know how to start? Do you feel like things could be better, but youre not sure whether you have the skills to make it happen? Then this show is for you. Language: en-gb Genres: Business, Health & Fitness, Management Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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TaAF Talks...Strengths based leadership development
Thursday, 16 February, 2023
Wouldn't it be amazing if the people around you recognised, understood and dare we say celebrated your natural strengths. Imagine what your work would be like if you had the time and space to focus more on what you're naturally great at and the things that give you energy.Using Clifton Strengths, TaAF are doing just that. We are embedding strengths-based development into what we do and how we do it. We see this being pretty huge in terms of system and leadership mindsets and approaches and it's a journey we're pretty excited about. Listen in as Jamie and Ken use some of their natural strengths to produce another banger of a podcast.3:52 - What is Clifton Strengths8:09 - Why is this approach a good idea for TaAF and others12:30 - Our personal experience of Clifton Strengths18:19 - TaAF team reflections so far20:51 - Play along - the natural strengths of Trump and Murray?25:41 - How we plan to use this to influence system change 31:08 - What you can do to start your own strengths based discovery