Manual Breathing  

Manual Breathing

Author: Kaegan Guy-Halton

Are you breathing Manually yet? Ah, I know, we're terrible. But now since you're stuck thinking about every breath Are you interested in new ways to think? Hilarious people? Crazy stories? Quick wit? Thought provoking and relatable talks about the world we all live in? If you want a podcast with all of these things then I have good news... You're not alone in your search! let us know if you find a one like that cause it sounds perfect. Oh and by the way, while you try and find that podcast, maybe you can listen to ours in the background or something.. Still breathing manually?
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Improv

Contact email: Get it

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9. Living off only tea in the nation of Breatharia
Friday, 26 March, 2021

I never knew tea was so interesting, it didn't have a high bar to go over but still, good job Jay Kaegan discusses small nations of stubborn people. Can you live off the dew of a single leaf and the energy of the universe? Calum has the real answers to the hard questions. Instagram/twitter: @manualbreathingpod email:


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