The Nigerian Scam  

The Nigerian Scam

Author: The Nigerian Scam

Can the talakawa sorosoke? The Nigerian Scam examines politics, history, and culture from class and ideological perspectives.
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

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49. 16 Billion Problems and A Book ain't One
Saturday, 1 March, 2025

In this episode, we use the homage paid to the ex-President Babangida in light of his book launch as a springboard to discuss the influence his regime had and continues to have on Nigeria's economic direction. Combing through the adulation, we examine the love and generosity doled out to the evil genius by different shades and stripes of Nigeria's elite and business class. Why did he decide to "write" an autobiography? Are the bones of contention he tackles in his book relevant today?We also poke at the persistent myth of Nigeria's economic and ideological rudderlessness. In probing the legacy of Babangida's neoliberal reforms, we go further to tackle the notion of the non-existence of an economic blueprint and fiscal framework. Is it all just vibes and chaos? Are our leaders simply aggressively incompetent and myopically corrupt? How does all the neoliberalism elude Nigerians? Is there a plan at all? Has there ever been? Listen and find out what we think.


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