Tyrannus Hall Podcast  

Tyrannus Hall Podcast

Author: Tyrannus Hall Podcast

Tyrannus Hall Podcast facilitates gracious and informative discussions by which Christs followers can be equipped to promote the gospel in a post-Christian world. This will result in church members who will engage the world with the gospel without fear.
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Language: en-ca

Genres: Business, Christianity, Non-Profit, Religion & Spirituality

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Reformed Churches' Bible College: PNG Lessons on Evangelism
Episode 12
Sunday, 26 June, 2022

Mark Mulder served as vice principal in John Calvin Christian school in the Perth area of Western Australia. In this fascinating interview, we learn how Mark and his wife Liz exchanged their comfortable suburban life for a life in a foreign mission field. They sold all they had to follow the Lord's calling.Mark was urged by several friends to apply for the position of Principal of The Reformed Churches' Bible College in Port Moresby PNG. At first he resisted  but on Liz's urging took on the challenge Mark now abounds in passion for the work of RCBC. Listen as Mark discuss the work of the Bible College and the lessons we can learn from mission in PNG  for our own evangelism in the


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