Day-old chicks  

Day-old chicks

Author: trebor yelwag

I was 17 years old and I became infatuated with chickens. I am now 81 years old but still have vivid memories of the day I collected my chicks from the local railway station. I lived in Brockley which is a suburb of London, S.E.4. I named my chicks eeni, meeni, miney, mo, catcha, nigga, byistoe. I know the word nigga is regarded as offensive these days, but it was just an innocent rhyme that I learned as a child. I would never use that word today. At one time, I was a London Transport bus driver and my conductor was from Barbados. Oh! Those reggae parties I was invited to. Such great people.
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Language: en-gb

Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals

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Chicks in the bedroom
Episode 2
Wednesday, 6 January, 2021

!958. Chicks are growing fast. I buy my first car and drove it to London, never having driven a car before.


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