Life,Beauty,and Me!  

Life,Beauty,and Me!

Author: Jonelle McCollum

On Life,Beauty,and Me I will be discussing being a single working mother of two teenagers. Did I mention I'm single. The struggles of raising children and being a Hairstylist and Makeup Artist. It's hard but who else going to do it,right. I love everything about who I am. I am not the only single mother/parent that is feeling low at times but has to keep a smile on my face and keep it pushing. So join me once a week and see whats happening!
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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Grief....I miss you
Episode 2
Monday, 20 March, 2023

If you have delt with the loss of someone or something. Do you remember the last conversation with that person that isnt here anymore? This is the conversation to have.


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