Trash Talk  

Trash Talk

Author: Anti litter project

What happens when you mix a global pandemic, budget cuts & the warmest time of the year? You get A South Bronx Summer! Join us for our first ever episode as we discuss our humble beginnings, challenges we faced, and the people who helped us along the way. TRASH TALK is not just about talking trash, its about talking about trash. Litter is major problem in NYC and its time we pushed back!
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Non-Profit

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Trash Talk with Special guest Gil Lopez, Co-founder of Smiling Hogshead Ranch &Resistance is Fertile
Episode 5
Monday, 31 May, 2021

We’re back with another special guest! This time we’re joined by environmental activist and community garden enthusiast Gil Lopez! Vacant land is all the rage and he breaks down what it truly takes to reactivate an empty space.


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