Quantum Foundations Podcast  

Quantum Foundations Podcast

Author: Maria Violaris

Language: en

Genres: Physics, Science

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Constructor Theory of Information with Dr Chiara Marletto
Episode 6
Wednesday, 5 February, 2025

What if we don't need quantum mechanics to express the key properties of quantum information? Join me for a deep-dive into the Constructor Theory of information with Dr Chiara Marletto, Research Fellow at the University of Oxford.   Constructor Theory is a research programme proposed by Prof. David Deutsch in 2012, and further developed by Deutsch and Marletto, and collaborators, since then. The theory aims to unify various strands of physics, and solve open problems — and the key motivation and starting point is a new conception of the laws of physics surrounding information.   In this podcast, we discuss what constructor theory is; how it expresses laws about classical and quantum information; applications to e.g. tests of quantum gravity and quantum field theory; the role of locality and subsystems in the testability of physics; and taking fundamental physics back to the roots of the early days of quantum information theory.


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