The Empowered Wisdom Hour  

The Empowered Wisdom Hour

Join Spiritual Life Coach Molly MacCartney and her guests for conversations that empower your intuition, inner peace and spiritual gifts.

Author: Molly MacCartney

Embrace the power of your intuition and spiritual gifts with the Empowered Wisdom Hour. Hear inspiring stories to ignite the divine wisdom within and learn how to take great care of your spirit. Through audience readings, guided meditations and interviews with friends from all corners of the spiritual wellness field, Intuitive Medium and Teacher Molly MacCartney is dedicated to helping you get clear, make powerful decisions and find inner peace, no matter what youre dealing with. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Chartable -
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Religion & Spirituality, Self-Improvement, Spirituality

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Living on Purpose for the Good of the Whole
Episode 24
Thursday, 24 September, 2020

Why are you here and what is your purpose? And is there any point to even asking this question in a world that seems to get more confusing by the day? Listen in to explore ideas about how can you leave your piece of the world better than how you found it, and how can you contribute to healing the planet and other people’s spirits instead of being a part of the "destruction". We'll also talk about how important it is to honor whatever your personal calling or purpose is. For some, it’s being a great parent, creator or service provider, etc. For others, it's holding powerful positions in organizations that can make a significant difference in society through big money and /or policies. Beyond that, it can of course mean being a direct lightworker in service to spiritual well-being in others, or being a frequency holder who is committed to helping others be more present and peaceful simply with their way of being. The most important thing about living on purpose is that you make it a priority to consciously create the highest and best possible energy with who you are and the gifts you have. (and don’t judge your progress – because in the end, it’s all an inside game…) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notes from the host: Visit my website to learn about Spiritual Coaching to support your spiritual well-being from anywhere in the world: (Free consultation available for new clients) Follow me on Instagram & Facebook for daily inspiration and encouragement: @empoweryourwisdom Keep the wisdom flowing! Become a patron of the show: This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Chartable -


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