Spoken English Gas Station!  

Spoken English Gas Station!

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Episode 1
Monday, 15 January, 2018

托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题: Eating meat= Destroying the world?What is the problem?We’ve heard a lot about how our environment has been devastated (破坏): We have so much green houses gases (温室气体) like CO2 and methane(甲烷) and they have led to global warming (全球变暖)which has caused grave damage to our ecosystem(生态系统): the sea level is rising(海平面上升), the animals are on the verge of extinction(动物灭绝), there are floods(洪水), droughts(干旱), hurricanes(飓风), tornadoes(龙卷风), tsunamis(海啸), earthquakes(地震) and so on and so forth… Simply put: we are living in a world where there are grave dangers! It not only influence those who have been inflicted(受灾害的), but also us, because everything is connected(万物都是相连的)!What are the causes for these serial consequences?Animal husbandry(畜牧业) causes more greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions(排放) than all means of transportation combined. World Watch Report 2009: "We believe that the life cycle and supply chain of domesticated animals raised for food have been vastly underestimated as a source of GHGs". Indeed, livestock(家畜) is responsible for 51% of GHGs emission (electricity 15%, transportation 13%, industry 12%, trading 5%, household 5%), consisting mainly of methane, a gas 25 to 100 times more destructive than the CO2 emitted by cars. Each day, livestock releases 150 billion gallons of methane, and 130 times more waste than the entire human population, virtually all without any waste treatment(粪便处理). Every second, 116,000 pounds of waste are produced in USA by livestock, enough to cover San Francisco, New York, Tokyo, Paris, New Delhi, Berlin, Hong Kong, London, Rio de Janeiro, the state of Delaware, Bali, Costa Rica and Denmark. There is more than 500 "dead zones”(海洋死区) in the world, flooded with nitrates(硝酸盐), on land and in the ocean. Animal agriculture is responsible for 91% of Amazon rainforest destruction(亚马逊热带雨林的毁灭). Palm oil (棕榈油)destroyed 26 million acres (亩)of rain forest, but livestock production is responsible for 136 million acres of rain forest lost today. Livestock production is a leading cause of loss of species(物种), oceanic "dead zones", and habitat destruction(栖息地的毁灭). Rain forest is cleared at a paste of one acre (one football field) per second, to grow GM soy(转基因大豆) used to feed animals. Because of this destruction, one hundred plant, animal and insect species are lost every day. Amazon rainforest could totally disappear within the next 10 years. What are the solutions?Stop eating animals and their products: no other change of behavior has a greater positive impact on the planet, and on every lives on this planet. Until we stop overgrazing(过度畜牧) and animal agriculture, we will not be able to save the ecosystem, and to have enough food for everyone on the planet. We will not stop climate change, we will not stop pollution and "dead zones" expansion, and we will not stop the slaughter of sharks, wolves, and of the other predators. We should stop eating pork, chicken, beef, dairies(奶制品) like cheeses, milks, and eggs. The only sustainable way of living with 7 billion people on the planet is a vegan diet. Stop eating others, eat for others. We can change the world. We MUST change the world. Talk about a problem in your country and how we can address the problem?更多难题请付费购买     微信号:339169386Andy, 资深原新东方口语名师,主教托福,雅思口语,公共演讲辩论以及美式发音课程。对英语口语教学有多年研究,拥有一套独特的口语教学方法,多次带出高分学员甚至满分学员。因获得集团教师大赛第三名,被送至伦敦International House 作为访问学者。上课内容丰富生动,多样的教学法和互动方式让学生在开心地学习中获得必要的技能。备注:所有图片以及音乐均源于网络。 


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