

Author: Tarun Ramakrishnan

Hello and welcome to Musicall! This podcast aims to connect people all around the world through the art of world music. The world is starting to emerge out of the COVID - 19 pandemic and during this past year, the experience of singing together and connecting people has been greatly compromised due to restrictions on certain activities. In this podcast, I hope to help people gain interest in music all over the world and bring a modern perspective to what are believed to be ancient art forms of music, as well as modern music in order to explore how music had evolved throughout history.
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Language: en

Genres: Music, Music Interviews

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Navarathri Narration: A Hindu Folktale told by Utisht Ramakrishnan
Saturday, 21 October, 2023

Every year, our family celebrates the festival of Gollu, which involves creating wooden steps filled with idols of different gods, people in society, and religious stories, as a way to honor the gods and goddesses of Hinduism and tell prayers, sing songs, and celebrate them over the course of a week. Our family also creates a scene of a folktale in Hindu mythology, which I narrated as a kid and recorded, for everyone coming to our festival to hear. Last year, my brother took on this role and recorded the story of Kubera, and how his pride was quelled by Ganesha, the elephant god. This year, he reprised another story of Ganesha, and how he defeated a fire - breathing demon, named Analasura, but not without immense struggle and chaos. Listen in to hear this amazing story, and stay tuned for more episodes!


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