The Legal View PodcastAuthor: Spano & Dawicki, hosts of theLEGALview
Incredibly refreshing, fast moving and up-to-the-minute podcast on Asset Protection, Income Protection, Probate Avoidance, Wealth Accumulation, Elder Law, Estate Planning, Guardianships, Conservatorships, Real Estate and the foibles and follies of law. Language: en Genres: Daily News, Kids & Family, News, Pets & Animals Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Football, Murder, and…Estate Planning?
Episode 2
Sunday, 21 June, 2020
Whether it was watching him play football for the New England Patriots, witnessing his murder trials unfold on the news, or because you saw the Netflix Documentary “Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez” (Because, quarantine), most of us have heard of the infamous Aaron Hernandez. His case was clearly of a criminal nature, but did you know his case raises more than just criminal law issues? From estate planning for minor children, to probating an estate without a Will, this disturbing case has a lot to teach us about the issues in estate planning and elder law, that we see in our office every day. Join us, where we will be discussing the importance of a comprehensive estate plan, and what can happen to your assets (and your children) if you fail to plan.